Tuesday, 28 January 2014

An old women called me an 'arsehole'

I got shoved by some decrepit old fucker in the local shop earlier who then instantaneously ignited a cannon ball of abuse at me.   I stood there cold staring at her decaying matter in surprised confusion.

Local shops may be diverse demographic dreamlands during weekends that would make any mainstream-multicultural politician squeal with delight, but during working hours they are dominated largely by old people.  Naturally, I don't like old people very much as there is nothing worse than having to listen to some piss-drenched OAP ramble about cats and ‘Ted next door’.

Old people are a serious burden on our society’s youth with their unaffordable pension schemes and colossal usage of NHS resources.  Every generation should pay for itself. These people have had good innings they should be grateful for that and willingly wallop their wickets all-out for lifes last dissmisal.   Prolonging the inevitable is futile as their impending doom and slobbering senility deepens.

Being the Misanthropist which I am, I don't often leave my house from the fear of accidently meeting people but this morning I had little choice: I needed beer.  I was in the shop and spotted enemies amongst the aisles everywhere, you see them shuffling the vicinity buying old people products like prune juice whilst holding cat-food coupons.

I was in the shop for around two-and-a-half-minutes, which is way too long for me.  I knew I was just asking for trouble.

As I walked through a dingy aisle I felt a skeletal hand grip my shoulder with surprising strength.  I automatically turned around and pulled my default despicable scowl to let my repulsion be known.  My eyes were then met with a little old lady of four feet high who had the thousand fires of hell burning in her ageing ape eyes.

"Get out of the fucking way, arsehole", she screamed, the old woman's body jerked with rage in unity with her verbal assault.  I stood there disobediently and jaw-agaped looking like a man who had just been insulted by an old woman not far from her expiry date.  You don't expect it from someone who looks like they could potentially wither away and shrivel up infront of your very eyes.  If she appeared a day under 96 I would have punched her, naturally.

I do not know who exactly this person was, but for the sake of anonymity and protection of the old and vulnerable we'll call her 'Beelzebub'.

"Are you ever going to ever fucking move", Beelzebub's demented chorus continued.  I stared at the disgusting wretch in the midst of the brimstone, and the disgusting wretch stared back at me.

I couldn't be completely sure, had it just called me an arsehole?

"Did you just call me an arsehole?” I enquired.

Beelzebub quickly gave confirmation.

"OK.  Just checking!" I replied as the grappling hell-fire consumed me.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Ryanair awarded British military contract

The Ministry of Defence has today announced it has awarded the civilian airline company Ryanair a defence contract with the British military. The lucrative 10-year contract is estimated to be worth tens of millions of pounds. 

Other bidding contenders, most notably the aeronautical giants BAE systems and Boeing, were shunned after the Ministry of Defence said that the budget airline offered superior value for money. 

A spokesperson for Ryanair said they would be responsible for the transportation of soldiers and provide aircraft for the RAF. 

He said, “Ryanair is delighted with the arrangements with the MOD, which includes but is not limited to the transportation of thousands of British troops into future warzones. Also, we shall provide our well-maintained Boeing 737’s as a direct replacement for the retired Nimrod R1 spy plane. This state-of-the-art 185-seater plane will be at full capacity and provide forces on the air and ground with real-time intelligence from the scene.

The spokesperson also revealed that Ryanair is collaborating with the Ministry of Defence to help mitigate incoming military redundancies, which will see 31,000 military personnel lose their jobs by 2020. 

He said, “This potential redundancy programme will see hundreds of our highly trained cabin crew members temporarily boost numbers by working side-by-side with the military by supporting future combat operations. It is designed to safeguard against any crucial skills that may be lost.”

The Prime Minister, David Cameron, hailed the contractual agreement as a success proving that the government is upholding British military capability.

He said, “This arrangement ensures that despite deep austerity our military remains a first-class player in an increasingly unstable world. Ryanair has a proven track record of happily getting millions of Brits abroad in hectic conditions. Therefore, they are the perfect choice when rapid deployment of British soldiers is needed to maintain world peace and protect democratic values.”

The news comes a day after it was announced that military apparel, including body armour, boots and night vision goggles, was to be manufactured by sports clothing company Adidas.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Restrained writing

(I don't write these formidable nuisances very often: here is a poem that is restricted to all words possessing the vowel 'e' and syllable count matching.)


The freeze here ends: green seeds embedded

The seeds germinate: slender stems erect.                                         

Fresh sweet flowerets emerge. Perfect.                                               

Trees see green anew: unseen bees merry below.                             

Behold the earth’s green: explore the splendid scene.                      

The leaves then fell beneath feet.  Deceased.                                    

We need greens return.                                                                           

Thursday, 9 January 2014

micro fiction + weird prose poetry

Micro/Twitter Fiction

(6 words) Vodka Night. Condom split. ‘Oh shit!’

 (120 characters) I searched my wife’s browser history. Google search results: ‘How to enjoy a small penis.’ I think my wife is cheating on me!

 (120 characters) I visited a brothel on my stag night. My father in-law knows. But he won’t say anything because he came too.

 (120 characters) Fired from work today. The tranny belched at a table nearby. ‘That wasn’t very lady like’, I just couldn’t help myself.

 Prose poetry
‘Mortuary mounting at 8’, read the message. Timothy was the most explicit user of our illicit service provided at the feral funeral parlour. He was not dissimilar to others in that he found a deep attraction to the dead’s pallor. However, Timothy was never satisfactorily relived with mere ogling or the careful caressing of corpses. No, his depths of depravity were whips, chains and the romping of remains.

 You may ask why I allow the desecration of dearly deceased Grandma. Well, if you are no longer living and lovely you won’t notice a thing anyway. The thought of a tibia bone making a teasing truncheon is too twisted for most to contemplate. Even the bible does not forbid this seductive sodomy as it is too repulsively repellent to rationalise.

 Timothy’s action after a modest transaction. 90-year-old female: all decomposed: ‘Quick! Off with the coffin pall!’ 6-year old male: freshly dead leukaemia sufferer: ‘Splendid to embed’. 23-year old female: decapitated car crash victim: ‘Kinky casualty’.

 I like to think we offer a sellers service to the lowest of earthly dwellers: repressing these bottled-up body-snatchers burdens the buried in being an unburied bike. Sex and death are intimately alike: both affect you and are next to you. Maybe inside of you too. The slapping of cerements is quite literally the fatal attraction.

 Everyone ends up in our hands. Dead. Cremation plans won’t spare you from funeral fondling. It won’t stop Timothy with a hellish hard-on from masturbating into your urn and making a sadistic stew out of your ashes and his cum.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Colour blind America and The New Age of Liberal Racism

 It was Martin Luther King who famously said that people should be “judged on their content of their character and not the colour of their skin.” During this period stretching back to into times of slavery, the public domain was smeared with overt racist discourses and people were wrongly distinguished biologically according to ancestry. The landmark civil rights movements in the 1960’s brought an upheaval on racial perceptions.

 The concept of people being judged on their individual merits rather than wholly on race was born. Colour was no long a crucial difference justifying socially enforced segregation, instead it was sold as an attribute of little importance. Consequently, the most overt racism practiced became shamed and social egalitarianism gobbled it up. This concept promoted the idea that people are always equal which was deeply embedded in the dearly held beliefs of liberalism and individual rights. This ideology in principle is noble and initially led to untold positives stretching beyond the American borders. Many still passionately hold these beliefs and would fight for them. However, ironically, it has become a double-edged sword that modernly facilitates the majority’s interests by its institutional unwillingness to reaffirm long lasting inequalities.

 America is on the very fringes of the low-context and low-power cultural markers, which create a society obsessed with individualism. Consequently, it is why various group still viciously oppose state intrusion even for the collective greater good. Guns and the irrational reaction it provokes from various groups is an excellent example. It is also a cultural philosophy that enables them to rationalise racial problems on broader societal patterns from their microscopic focus on the individual.

 According to Chief Justice John Roberts, "The way to stop racism is to stop discriminating on the basis of race." However, racism in the 21st century is generally not perpetuated from overt individual attitudes, since the minority is protected vigorously under law, but it is the statistical facts in terms of incomes, housing, health and opportunities that can be categorised purely through race. Interestingly, present strategies cannot dismantle broader racist inequalities, and therefore the entire liberal philosophy on race no longer offers a suitable path to progress. Despite reaching the pinnacle of progress in individual rights the wealth gap in America between African American and White European American’s has tripled since 1980. Currently white employment post-credit crunch is 6% but African-American`s is standing over 13%.

The implementation of colour blindness into politics compounded with the myopic focus on the individual, has shushed the identified race disparity and allowed it to silently continue unchanged. The problem with blindness in pretending people of all groups are equal is that it functions on the assumption that the playing field is balanced when it evidently is not. It allows the perpetrators behind the policies, many whom are well meaning or vocal minorities themselves, to aggressively deny any trace of racism through no mention of race.

 Such political stoicism by turning race into a non-issue, which is contrary to the disturbing facts, can ultimately only favour those who hold an unfairly advantageous position through a lack of interference. Scientists universally deny biological difference between the so-called ‘races’, and therefore societal indifference cannot be attributed to genetics. However, it is proven by academics to still be an important element of identity and social classification.

If race is such a non-issue why has the topic of race gradually become taboo in which white majorities evade? Such taboo facilitates its omission meaning it cannot be understood and addressed sensibly, instead we simply try to pretend it doesn’t exist and therefore cannot come to terms with centuries of disadvantage from cultural, physical, economic and legal discrimination. Unfortunately this race ideology has become dominant in many of the western democracies, which indirectly enables racism through misattributing current racial problems.

Ultimately political irrelevance of race in America is a dead-end which selectively ignores the obvious sociological problems America suffers from. Progress will only be initiated further when the current journey of progress itself is challenged. The mere idea of this will no doubt be an affront to very foundations of the unshakable values many of you have been spoon-fed as ideological commonsense over the years. So, when will we start talking about race again?

Friday, 3 January 2014

Women are easy with a bit of wealth and power

Kulap says: hi 21 f Thailand here

Lord Misanthrope says: Greetings, peasant.

Kulap says: urs pls is?

Lord Misanthrope says: England. I'm currently looking for a wife from Thailand.

Kulap says: relly?

Lord Misanthrope says: Yes, I am sweet dear.

Kulap says: what is a lord?

Lord Misanthrope says: A Lord is an individual who has been granted with power, wealth and land by the King of England. I'm a proud owner of 3 castles, 6 estates, 150 loyal servants and 56 hookers.

Kulap says: how old r u?

Lord Misanthrope says: Sixty seven and quarter.

Kulap says: im only 21 but age no mater for me

Lord Misanthrope says: Yes, and you are seeking a rich husband?

Kulap says: yup

Kulap says: who r caring, loyal, respect an willing to support me and family thru hard times

Lord Misanthrope says: How convenient!

Lord Misanthrope says: Support in what way, peasant?

Kulap says: I come frm a poor family

Lord Misanthrope says: I am rich and would support you. My ancestors fought side by side with the Tudors during the War of The Roses (1455). My great ancestor, the Lord Protector James III, mobilised his army and defeated the Duke of Somerset at the battle of St Albans. Since that day the country has been in debt to his services and our family has been blessed with aristocratic riches at the expense of the tax payer for centuries.

Kulap says: watttt much writing there!!

Kulap says: my English no so good1!!!

Kulap says: but u do don't mind my age?

Lord Misanthrope says: 21 is a commendable age, my last wife was 16 when I disposed of her as she became too hairy.

Kulap says: U not with her??

Lord Misanthrope says: No, she was a terrible wife.

Lord Misanthrope says: She wouldn't even swallow.

Kulap says: am single

Lord Misanthrope says: Do you wish to marry me?

Kulap says: yes do u av a picc or cam

Lord Misanthrope says: Yes it's on my profile now.

Lord Misanthrope says: Excuse the women next to me there, thank god I executed her, damn my ex was fat.

Kulap says: ooooo am looking u r handsome

Lord Misanthrope says: Indeed I am.

Kulap says: cuttie

Lord Misanthrope says: Although admittedly I have this terrible scabbing condition which leaves a disgusting puss filled crust over a large portion of my wrinkly body, if you are to be my wife you'll have to file it off every morning.

Kulap says: What time is it there now?

Lord Misanthrope says: its 4 pm

Kulap says: I am 10 hours ahead!

Lord Misanthrope says: I see. How much specifically will your father require in monetary payment to buy you?

Kulap says: whtt????

Lord Misanthrope says: How much money does your family need?

Kulap says: nonono nooooo If I am to marry I want to support them, I will give work then all there needs and wants

Lord Misanthrope says: Work in what capacity? I do not understand, peasant.

Kulap says: any just to find and have money

Lord Misanthrope says: Are you saying that you wouldn't be needing my financial muscle to help your spear throwing family elevate themselves above the poverty line?

Kulap says: if we r getting married I only hope for ur help with family

Lord Misanthrope says: Selflessness and modesty are truly attractive traits. I would like to proceed with this transaction, when can we wed?

Kulap says: wed what is tht

Lord Misanthrope says: Wedding, i.e- getting married

Kulap says: I want to finish my studies here… by next year I would of finish

Lord Misanthrope says: I would prefer a quicker wedding.

Kulap says: wen?

Lord Misanthrope says: I choose castle Dunnottar in Scotland for our wedding location, it will be more than suitable. I would of chosen Cowney castle but unfortunately I believe it to be plague infested.

Kulap says: my parents would want to go

Lord Misanthrope says: That is fine, but do they know how to act in social situations around the Queen, Barack Obama and David Cameron?

Kulap says: I wish for a small wedding

Lord Misanthrope says: Yes, but I have many personal friends collectively called 'The Gang' who desire to attend: David Beckham, Tom Cruise, Elton John, Jimmy Saville, George Bush and Gary Glitter.

Kulap says: Bush??????????????

Kulap says: old president of US????

Lord Misanthrope says: Yes, he calls me Dear Uncle. I know his father, I did a few "backhand" business deals with him in the first Gulf war.

Kulap says: oo icc

Kulap says: im so so shy

Kulap says: I am only a poor girl...

Lord Misanthrope says: It's ok I will protect you, I'm a powerful and rich man. My motto is that I take from the poor and give to the rich.

Kulap says: thanks

Lord Misanthrope says: Will you get your father to organise the stag night?

Kulap says: stag night?????

Lord Misanthrope says: A stag night is where all the old chaps get together and go out for the last time – you know – drinking, drugs and underage Asian prostitutes.

Kulap says: ok I see, my english very  poor

Lord Misanthrope says: that isn't a problem my peasant wife. I must go now. Farewell.

Kulap says: wait do u want to se me on cam

Kulap says: I do dirty :)

Lord Misanthrope says: I will be back in 15 minutes to cyber mount you.