Let me post another picture, this depicts a women cooking with the same slogan.
How do you feel about this one?
Hypocritical disgust from socially engineered eglitarianism by any chance?
Gender expectations of women have undoubtedly clouded over the past century, whilst mens has largely remained static.
Sexism against men within society is growing, it isn't overwhelming, and can never be compared to the ordeal women went through for centuries, but it is there. The problem is that, at the moment, sexism against men is considered a funny joke. The feminist movement all started here in the UK, a century later and the movement is still fighting. There is nothing wrong with this, it was much needed. However, some people cannot even comprehend the idea of sexism against men, because we have been so used to the idea of opressed women.
(Is it commonly men that are stereotyped into being the actors of parental negligence?)