Monday, 31 December 2012

Sexism against men

So, I came across this photo concluding 'real men still do this'. Needless to say, it was reinforced with many positive Facebook comments from people like yourselves.

Let me post another picture, this depicts a women cooking with the same slogan.

How do you feel about this one?
Hypocritical disgust from socially engineered eglitarianism by any chance?

Gender expectations of women have undoubtedly clouded over the past century, whilst mens has largely remained static.

Sexism against men within society is growing, it isn't overwhelming, and can never be compared to the ordeal women went through for centuries, but it is there. The problem is that, at the moment, sexism against men is considered a funny joke. The feminist movement all started here in the UK, a century later and the movement is still fighting. There is nothing wrong with this, it was much needed. However, some people cannot even comprehend the idea of sexism against men, because we have been so used to the idea of opressed women.

(Is it commonly men that are stereotyped into being the actors of parental negligence?)
Women get immunity and advantages in more areas than we like to keep whilst vigorously beating the equality wardrums. Take a look at military service, national service, conscription, and court cases involving custody of kids, which certainly favour women. All the most dangerous jobs are still dominated by men coupled with the highest number of work related deaths. Generally men get shorter extended leave when babies are involved but policies forcing equal pay never reflect this. Also statistically jail sentences are usually more lenient for women for similar offences particularly rape or sexual assault (which again is mostly unacknowledged). The education systems, widely found now throughout the West, seems to completely favour women in all aspects of study. Girls now outstrip boys by a growing disproportion year on year and nothing is done about it. If you want equality there has to be a balancing responsibility and such advantages need to be minimised on both sides, not merely emphasis on one. Sexism against men is there, sometimes more than we think, just look a little harder and scratch the surface. Ultimately in a modern society feminism should involve equality for both genders more frequently, not just for women.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog, can't say I agree entirely with it, but there is a lot of truth int he fact that to become 'equals' we have kind of lost our way. However there is still far more exploitation of women, and women still do not get equal pay. That being said, education should be reformed so that it meets the needs of all children, not just one gender.
