Friday, 21 February 2014

Heterosexual surge in divorce numbers blamed on gay marriage

The number of divorces across America has risen sharply over the past several months according to a recent report by the Christian think-tank ‘The Biblical Interpretation of Gays and Other Transgressors (BIGOT).

The report entitled ‘The wider implications of Queer Marriage’ argues that the 15% rise straight-couple divorces seen over the past year correlates strongly to the gradual legalisation of same-sex marriage within in America. Seventeen States currently facilitate gay marriage and the number is increasing. The report also warns of further extreme weather including flooding as society suffers the full impact of God’s wrath over the immorality.

Professor Rodger Smith, who is the think-tank’s coordinator, and an expert in Christian Theology, said that the results prove that unnatural gay marriage leads directly to higher divorce rates amongst straight couples whilst massacring the traditions of marriage.

He said, “Marriage is deeply rooted in human nature and is thus governed through natural laws. The most elementary concept of this is that good is pursued and wrongful acts of immorality are avoided. No judicial fiat by federal or state courts can alter this and many wider societal problems are related to this violation of God’s law. For many Americans the gayness now tainting marriage gives it an unnatural texture like GM foods and medical intervention. America supports none of this and hence the increase in straight couple divorce rates which is being imposed on them by homosexuals.”

He continued, “Marriage should provide the beneficial fruits for a stable, moral and affectionate atmosphere similar to those moments we saw inside the 48-hour marriage of Britney Speares. The sanctity of this should not be squandered because of a few choosy sexual deviants. Those that believe homosexuality is not a choice are those who also claim that the world is round.” 

A broken-hearted women from Texas, Martha, 39, struggled to hold back tears when describing the devastating impact gay marriage had on her 20-year relationship  with husband Bill, 41.

She said, “Back in the happier days we were positive about the future and would fondly coo to each other as caring couples do. But the he decision by judges to legalise same-sex marriage has ripped our family apart. We just want to be placed on a pedestal by the government to make us feel legislatively unique. We know we’ve got something special which is only shared by 96% of the wider population. It’s not that we hate gays but they just don’t have it. Myself and Bill just cannot look at each other in the same loving way anymore. I've told him that if its over we will still be cousins at least” 

Martha said that when gay marriage became legal in Illinois it was the final blow after her husband, Bill, had been facing ongoing psychological damage attributed to the spread of gay culture

She said, “He used to love to wear his pink shirt with a rainbow logo on it. But he couldn’t go out with it anymore without people thinking it was his gay badge. He kept muttering that the homosexuals stole his rainbow and he wanted it back. He just couldn’t take it anymore.” Bill suddenly interjected, “But..but, I’m not gay, I’m just sensitive I tell you!”

A source, who wished to remain anonymous, said that they are  worried about the long-term effects of homosexual tolerance promoted to children. 

“The most popular kids at my children’s school are all openly gay and freely hold hands in the playground. It’s like the coolest thing you can be now. I worry about the legalisation of gay marriage because gay people only ever raise gay children and it spreads. What happens if straight people became the stigmatised minority instead? Society shouldn’t have to change its foundations for these weirdos. It’s not like we had to change any laws because of cars, inter-racial marriage and progressive stuff like that.”

The report comes just days after a federal court declared Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional. The debate continues….

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